Key Reels FAQs

Welcome to the Securikey Key Reels FAQs section. Here we have a selection of the most common questions about our key reels but if you have any other questions please contact 01252 311888 and a member of our team will be happy to help.

Q: Can I have key reels with my own logo / branding?
A: Yes at extra cost and to order only. Please contact us to discuss your requirements.

Q: What is Kevlar?
A: It is an extremely strong ‘man made material’ and is used in things like parachute cords and bullet proof vests.


In addition to our ISO 9001 certification, Securikey are also members of Master Locksmiths Association and ESSA. These organisations promote the highest standards within the security industry. The inclusion of the ‘AIS Approved’ logo reinforces the importance of the independent testing.